Daniel Le Forestier

Worship Pastor

Daniel is the Hebron Church Worship Pastor and is responsible for both overseeing and directing the worship environment at Hebron. Daniel is very gifted as a musician and vocalist, and seeks to use those God-given talents to help lead others in worship as they encounter God. As we seek to be a Church of passionate disciples that makes passionate disciples, worship is an essential component in the life of all disciples of Jesus. It is worship–encountering the living God in a manner that elicits praise for Him–that transforms us. It is Daniel’s prayer that you would encounter God in this way.

You can contact Daniel at:

George & Janice Zhao

Mandarin Pastor

George joined the Hebron staff team in October 2015 when he started leading the Mandarin Ministry at Hebron. Since that time the ministry has grown substantially and continues to see lives changed by the Gospel every day. In September 2016 George was examined and ordained as a Commissioned Pastor in the Christian Reformed Church. It has been a joy to work with George and his wife Janice, and we pray that God continues to bless their ministry.

You can contact George and Janice at:

Judy Uden

Office Administrator

Judy is very administratively gifted and is an essential asset to the Hebron team. If there is something going on with regard to the facilities or events at Hebron chances are Judy knows and is intimately involved in its planning. Often good administration can go unnoticed because we don’t notice administration till it goes bad. But here at Hebron we recognize that smoothness is because Judy has been working hard.

You can contact Judy at:

Cheryl Daniel

Children's Ministry Coordinator

Cheryl Daniel is our Children’s Ministry Coordinator. A mother herself, Cheryl brings an excitement for working with young kids to the Hebron staff and she is passionate about seeing them grow in Jesus’ love.

You can contact Cheryl at:

Cathy Nocera


Cathy has lived in Oshawa since 2007 with her husband and 3 children. Cathy has been at Hebron since 2016 and it has become, as she calls it, "her second home". Cathy is passionate about cleaning and can be seen keeping Hebron looking its best as she cheerfully does God's work carrying out her custodial duties.

You can contact Cathy at:

John Luimes

Financial Administrator

John has the important task of managing the Church’s finances and we are happy to have him as part of the Hebron Staff because he does an excellent job. If you have questions about tax receipts, or ministry budget items, etc. John is the person you need to contact. You can contact John at


Hebron Church is governed by members of the Congregation who have been elected to the office of either Elder or Deacon. In order to enable Elders and Deacons to flourish in their offices, Hebron has differentiated the tasks of these Elders and Deacons. Though the tasks may differ, the honour does not, and so there is no hierarchy in these offices.

Hebron Council is composed of Administrative Elders, Administrative Deacons, Pastoral Elders and Community Partner Deacons.

  • Board of Administration
  • Pastoral Elders
  • Pastoral Deacons
Board of Administration

Board of Administration

Hebron Church is governed by members of the Congregation who have been elected to either the office of Elder or Deacon. In order to enable Elders and Deacons to flourish in their offices, Hebron has differentiated the tasks of these Elders and Deacons. Though the tasks may differ, the honour does not, and so there is no hierarchy in these offices.

Hebron Council is composed of Administrative Elders, Administrative Deacons, Pastoral Elders and Community Partner Deacons.

The Board of Administration includes:

Anne Geuzebroek

John Luimes

John Ponsen

John Geuzebroek

Philip Jermakowicz

Bob Kramer

Peter Daniel - Clerk

To contact a board member please email

Pastoral Elders

Pastoral Elders

The Elders of Hebron Church are to oversee the doctrine and life of the members of Hebron Church, as well as fellow office bearers. They shall exercise admonition and discipline, along with pastoral care in the congregation, as well as participate and promote evangelism and defence of the faith. The Elders shall further nurture in the congregation grateful and obedient participation in the Lord’s Supper through encouragement, instruction, and accountability.

The Pastoral Elders lead and govern the activity of the Hebron Care team. The Hebron Care team seeks to provide care, support, prayer, and Gospel love to those in the Congregation. The Hebron Care team consists of Pastoral Elders, trained Stephen Ministers, Pastoral

Elder Assistants, and gifted Hebron Members.

Our Pastoral Elders include:

Anne Geuzebroek - Chair

John Luimes

John Ponsen

To contact a Pastoral Elder please email

Pastoral Deacons

Pastoral Deacons

Pastoral deacons serve Hebron's church family and surrounding community by meeting emergency needs and working with local service providers for additional assistance. We make visits and calls in times of joy or stress, bringing a listening ear and words of hope. Deacons encourage faithful and intentional stewardship of resources, for the earth is Lord's, and everything in it.

Deacons guide and equip the church family in works of mercy. Hebron partners with local and global ministries that embody compassion and justice, providing hope and community to those who are hurting. Pastoral deacons are champions for these

ministries within Hebron by speaking up for their needs, encouraging their work and leading the congregation in support.

Our Pastoral Deacons include:

Riekie Kramer - Chair

Barb Willet

Della Smith

Andrea DeJong

To contact a Pastoral Deacon please contact